Special Live Broadcast With Community Manger Cordovan

Make plans to join us this Friday November 21st at 3:30pm EST as we will have a special live broadcast featuring Community Manager Cordovan!
You will be able to ask him any questions that you have! If he is able to talk/answer them, he will.
So if you have any questions you would us to ask, leave them in a comment below
Or you can email us at podcast@ddoplayers.com. Or better yet, join us in the chat room the day of the show and ask them live!
Hope to see you all there. We will be releasing this as a special edition of the podcast as well (Both on YouTube and iTunes/Audio) in case you can’t join us live.
We want to think Turbine and Cordovan in advance for agreeing to come on and talk to us!
Will there ever be another major expansion like MOTU or Shadowfell?
Will there be anymore expansions into the Forgotten Realms?
Can any more details be given about The update 24 and the temple of elemental evil?