DDO Players News Episode 27 – Wheaton!!!!!!

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We talk about the extended downtime during the Update 25 patch. We also cover the release notes. We discuss the news that surprised everyone, that Wil Wheaton is the DM voice for Temple. Outside of DDO, we learn a group of Washington state senators are trying to woo Gen Con away from Indy. We hear about Drac’s frustration with a his party not dying yet in his conversion of Ravenloft to 5e, We learn about some the stupid things his party did, and yet still lived, but things are not looking good for them!
Game News
No ETA On Game Servers Coming Back Up
Update 25 : Reign of Elemental Evil Teaser Trailer
Update 25 Reign Of Elemental Evil Release Notes
Surprise Dungeon Master Voice For Update 25 Reign of Elemental Evil
Dungeons & Dragons Online – Ed Greenwood Interview (Complete Interview) Available on YouTube
Changes Coming To The DDO Chronicle
Store Sales
Free Sample of The Week April 3rd – April 9th
Bell of Opening Use Coupon Code OPEN03 1/Account
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- Slayer Count Boosts
- Shared Bank, Platinum Vault, Bag Deposit Box, & Upgrades
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DDO Players News
DDO Players 500 Point Turbine Points Give Away!
DDO Players Screen Shot Of The Week #15
News Beyond DDO
Washington state senators craft letter to Gen Con
Week in DDO
Drac Week
Wizard (Pale Master) Reached Lvl 5 (also hit 100 favor)
The Harbor (Ran all on Elite)
- An Explosive Situation
- Arachnophobia
- Bringing the Light
- Durk’s Got A Secret
- Garrison’s Missing Pack
- Haverdasher
- Recovering the Lost Tome
- The Miller’s Debt
- Walk the Butcher’s Path
- The Kobolds’ New Ringleader
A Man Named Baudry Cartamon (Ran all on Elite)
- Stop Hazadill’s Shipment
- Retrieve the Stolen Goods
Ranger/Rogue (With Pineleaf)
- Tomb of the Shadow Knight (Hard) – total fail. Retried at Normal.
- Tomb of the Shadow Lord (Normal)
Ravenloft 5E conversion
- Party STILL ALIVE. they are the luckiest party ever.
- Party is SPLIT. 3 and 2.. 2 of them (In the group of 3) have no armor/weapons (They are wearing death shrouds) as they got swapped with a weight how took their gear via a trap, as they walked through a door (Which they were never supposed to be at anyway)
- Survived climbing down a 125 sheer cliff. Stupid Dragonboarn Fighter Sure, I’ll go down to see what’s there.. Paladin managed to live even though a dead vampire fell from above and landed on him (he failed his dex throw)
Pineleaf Week
Artificer (With Drac)
- Tomb of the Shadow Knight (Hard) – total fail. Retried at Normal.
- Tomb of the Shadow Lord (Normal)
Cleric 4 (Temple)
- Catacombs
- The Friar’s Niece
- To find a Witness (Return to the Sanctuary)
- The Old Archives
- Crypt of Gerard Dryden
- Sharn Syndicate
o Stand Your Ground
o Dirty Laundry
o The Stormreaver Fresco
o The Bookbinder Rescue
o Repossession
Wizards 5 / Rogue 2 (Temple)
- Tried with Book Binders and found that the combination requires a hireling
- Then realized I forgot to buy Thieves’ Tools since I received wizard’s equipment.
- After getting my gear properly set up, I successfully completed the mission.
To help support DDO Players, simply go to the donation page where you can support The Players Alliance (The network we are apart of) on Patreon. There you will find rewards including a mention on DDO Players News Or Even be able to guest host with us!
iTunes Reviews
(The Fabled “LOST” iTunes Review we talked about last week!
Jerry Snook left a Five Star Review Titled Great Podcast, Well Produced, Great DDO Resource
These two walked into the establishment smelling like dead kobold, although around here that’s not saying much. Certainly didn’t smell worse than most folk, and a right better that a’many I deal with everyday. They were talking about their early adventures, and sounded like decent folk, at least for around here. A bit light on coin, but they didn’t knock anything over or punch someone in the face, so there’s that. overall if these two walk into your tavern, you can expect a nice sort, and no trouble (that I saw anyway!)
Maude Coulter
Customer Experience Manager
The Rusty Nail – Stormreach
Featured Comments
Comments on DDO Players News Episode 26 : A Chat With Cordovan Part Duex
Jerry Snook AKA Cordovan
Just a quick correction that Mike Pence was a Congressman, not State Senator.
Cool show, keep up the good work. Gotta make a halfling to make it into Halfling summer games 🙂
A Few Random Comments From The DDO Players 500 Point Turbine Points Give Away!
Great show, I really love how you guys are so cheerful and new to the game.
BTW since you have done the lower level dungeons like korthos and harbor, have you found yourself zerging like a pro? Also, I really remember when I was in a group of vets and they moved through a quest like a wolf pack, it was exhilarating. Patrick of DDO cast has several min max players and it would be fun to see if you could group with them see how you feel when paired up with serious vets. Just an idea. Keep up the good work. Also, How long have you been playing LOTRO?
I’m in, of course. 500 points, like a good buy would be the Temple, eh? 🙂
I do really enjoy the podcast, although I usually listen through youtube so haven’t been to the site before 😀
Digital Terror
Turbine points are a wondrous thing, they buy for you lots of bling, and what I love about this most, is the chance to win with a simple post!
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Final Thoughts
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