I am glad they added my favorite pop 4e class. I was getting bored but now have new vigor for the game. The warlock plays as it should, aggressive, with a hint of malice. I am looking forward to its fine tuning.
Bought it at full price and haven’t looked back. I really enjoy the abilities in the ES tree and I find my Warlock to be a tough SoB. Really hope nothing changes because it feels like the Devs got this class exactly right!
Wizards Of The Coast has stated they will release some previews for the Dungeon Master Guide when they meet certain milestones on there Extra Life donation page. They have reached the 3rd milestone an
The Black Friday deals we have being waiting for are here! These deals are valid in the marker place and in the DDO In Game Store! 75% off Expansions (click here or in-game DDO Store!) 75% off Druid &
Drac sits down with Executive Producer Severlin Executive Producer, Community Manager Cordovan, and Developer Lynnabel. To chat about the Hardcore League server, The new alchemist class, the proposed
If the warlock class hadn’t been free to VIP, I would have waited for a sale. I had sticker shock when I saw it cost 1395 Turbine Points!
I am glad they added my favorite pop 4e class. I was getting bored but now have new vigor for the game. The warlock plays as it should, aggressive, with a hint of malice. I am looking forward to its fine tuning.
Bought it at full price and haven’t looked back. I really enjoy the abilities in the ES tree and I find my Warlock to be a tough SoB. Really hope nothing changes because it feels like the Devs got this class exactly right!