Announcing The Winner Of Our Stormreach Campaign Giveaway!

As part of our 50th episode festivities, we gave away a copy of the hard bound printer version of “The Stormreach Campaign”

Once agian, we would like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to Quijonn, for allowing us to give away one of the 25 printed copies of this..

We went to and plugged the number of entries that we received, and pulled a winner.

The winner is Saekee!!!! Here is the winning picture that he sent in.

(Click Any Pic For Full Size)


Thanks to all that entered the contest! Here are some of the other entries that we received

ScreenShot00003 ScreenShot00022 ScreenShot00024 ScreenShot00033 ScreenShot00045 ScreenShot00069 ScreenShot00126 ScreenShot00440 ScreenShot01982 Vampire Vampires Of Stormreach Veil with Vail


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7 thoughts on “Announcing The Winner Of Our Stormreach Campaign Giveaway!

  1. CONGRATULATIONS Saekee!!! I’m so glad you won. I enjoy your posts very much on the forums and have learned lots from them.

    Also my sassy alt made the screen shots, yay! Here is the hint to which one is mine, “Briari”.

    And neato to see the hot bars. Wow allot of us use and like some the same things in game.

  2. Congrats! This was one drawing I stayed out of because there were so many more appropriate recipients. I am glad one got it.

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