DDO Players Poll – How Many Past Lives Do You Have

On the latest podcast, we were talking about past lives and how many of we had, and how many other players had.


So naturally our question this week is



[poll id=”20″]

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12 thoughts on “DDO Players Poll – How Many Past Lives Do You Have

  1. A couple of characters are still 1st-lifers since they’re semi-retired atm, but in general they have at least 2, with the most-reincarnated character i have currently on it’s 6th or 7th life now i think.

  2. DDO is a 10 year old game. If someone has been playing since beta, having at least one character that is a Completionist, Triple Completionist, or even a Heroic, Epic, and Inconic Completionist isn’t that remarkable. That player would just have to have had played consistently since the game began and would be able to accumulate that many past lives without living in Mommy’s basement.

  3. more then ten but spread over a couple of chars, my main has 4 hPL and 2ePL, used to be an altoholic so didn’t run much reincarnations the first few years I was playing the game.

  4. This might seem odd. But I don’t do reincarnations. I just don’t want to repeat over and over with the same character. I’ve got several of mine up to level 24, seems fine to me. So going through each of the classes that interest me with different characters. When I’m done.. I’m done. LOL. Having a blast though! Woo Woo!

  5. My main TR toon has 26 Heroic lives done along with 3 Epic lives. I have another toon on his 2nd life with a single Epic life done. Finally I have a Challenge Farmer who is on his 2nd life.

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