Winter Fantasy 40 Coming In Feb

Fort Wayne, Indiana, will play host to Winter Fantasy 40 Convention again February 3-7.
Dungeon and Dragons and the Adventures League will have a big presence there this year, as in years past.
Winter Fantasy continues to grow and offer more games, and we’re proud to be the best place to play Dungeons and Dragons Adventurers League content.
We will be hosting adventures in the entire 2nd half of Season 3: Rage of Demons. That’s everything from adventure DDEX3-8 to DDEX3-16 – including three world premiers:
3-14: Death on the Wall
3-15: Szith Morcane Unbound
3-16: Assault on Maerimydra
But that’s not all!
Winter Fantasy is your chance to catch up on all the content before the season wraps up on March 15th.
Of course, we’ll also be there to scratch that Epic itch – with the premiere of the Epic adventure opening to Season 4. We can’t tell you what’s in store yet – but you can be among the very first to experience this exciting new campaign at our show in February!
Also we will see the dubut of something new called the Dungeons And Dragons eXPerince
Members of the D&D Experience will have their own members-only HQ for quick access to staff for questions, pre-printed paperwork (like character sheets and adventure logs), and more.
At Winter Fantasy we’ll also keep a selection of local restaurant menus on-hand, and will be assisting members with ordering food and arranging for simplified order delivery. While the system is still being planned, we’re hoping to make it as easy as writing up your order, delivering it with your payment to HQ, and letting them know what table you’re at. We will then place your order, receive it, and deliver it to your table for you – saving you valuable die-rolling time.
Of course, what DDXP members really want is a unique eXPerience. To that end we’ll be running semi-exclusive adventures, GMed by the D&D Adventure League admins. Only the admins can run these adventures, and at Winter Fantasy, they’ll only be running them for D&D eXPerience members!
The convention was held as early as 1977 under the name Winter Fantasy. In 2007 the convention was renamed to D&D Experience (often abbreviated as DDXP or D&DXP). Baldman Games, the company currently operating this and other conventions for Wizards of the Coast, decided to continue the tradition and brought back the name Winter Fantasy for the 2013 convention.
We covered this last year, and plan to do so again! So stay tuned for more information on the convention as we get, and for our reports from the show floor!
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