DDO Players Poll – What Creature Companion Would We Like To See Next?

With news of the Pit Fiend Companion, We thought we would have some fun with the poll this week!


So We want to know (You can vote for 3 is you wish)

[poll id=”27″]

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20 thoughts on “DDO Players Poll – What Creature Companion Would We Like To See Next?

  1. Since Update 30 is going to give is the opportunity to defeat some “devs” in battle, there should also be a “dev” creature companion.

  2. Mudman! When they are close to death and tiny, they are quite adorable.
    Although a tiny marilith would be pretty awesome too

  3. I selected Elminster, because as a creature companion he would be just as helpful as he has been as an NPC.

  4. Annelisa. The quest gives you an option to take her for yourself. It would be perfect if this gave her to you as a “companion”.

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