Have Questions For Nohbob Or Cordovan?

Next Monday night will be recording episode 106 of the podcast. We will be having 2 special guests as well, Content Designer Nohbob and Community Manager Cordovan will be joining us!
We will be talking about Update 33, Night Revels and More!
We hope to have a great live audience that night, but if you can’t make it and would like to ask any questions, please leave a reply to this post. Or send an email to podcast@ddoplayers.com we will try and get most of the questions answered time permitting! We will be happy to ask your questions!
You can join us LIVE as we record the podcast HERE
It will also be released via our podcast feed and YouTube feed as well on Wednesday.
some questions for NohBob (which do not necessarily need to be asked all at once):
1. what factors go into choosing the quests for converting into a Night Revels challenge? Have you considered the suggestion from the forums of making Vale’s Rainbow in the Dark into a haunted house type challenge? It would just be so creepy to have things coming at you in complete darkness.
2. although I did not really like the rendering of +Vargouille in the anniversary event, since you have the existing monster, might you consider re-using that monster in a future Night Revels challenge.
3. since you were the original developer that worked on the implementation of handwraps in ddo, what is your favorite handwrap in the game?
4. I love the bear Barett in Grim and Barett…. but could you go back into the quest and modify it so that when he charges the doors, any player standing in his path gets KNOCKED DOWN??? it would be so much funnier and surprising with that momentum.
5. the interpretation of the stuffed bear in the Slave Lords is amusing, but it sort of loses impact by being placed next to the collapsing floor – I am not sure how faithful that is to the original module, but would not a charging bear have made more sense if it rushed towards the party in a closed hallway? I feel this stuffed bear itself should also have a knockdown effect with a possible panel to disable?
general Night Revels questions: last year, the liches and succubi in the deleras instance were advancing the monster manual extermination count; has it been looked into whether ALL undead will now advance the monster manual in Night Revels this year?