Critical Role: Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting D&D 5E Pre-Order Now Available

We told you it was coming out at Gen Con 50. And that you could pre-order soon, well soon is now! As the Pre-Orders for the book went LIVE today
UPDATE – The Pre-Order period is now over direct from Green Ronin Publishing, but it’s still up on as an PDF only.
or via Amazon (Hard Copy Only) or Drive Through RPG (PDF Only)
How do I pre-order the Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting from Green Ronin?
Visit the Green Ronin Publishing Online Store. We have three options for pre-ordering from us, so there are three different links:
Make sure you follow the link for the option you want.
Green Ronin Publishing provided a FAQ to cover some questions about the Pre Order
How do I get the $5.00 PDF with my print book pre-order?
If you order the print book from Green Ronin, you can add the PDF for $5 more during the pre-order period and receive the PDF for download immediately.
You can also get the same deal through your FLGS (Friendly Local Game Store) if they participate in our Pre-Order Plus program. If your local store is not yet part of the program, tell them they can sign up here:
Amazon orders do not have the $5.00 deal. The special offer for the PDF is to encourage people to support Green Ronin Publishing and local game stores directly.
How long will the deal for the $5.00 PDF be offered?
The deal will be good for the length of the pre-order period. Typically, this would be about a month, but if demand for the print book is overwhelming we may have to cut it off earlier.
Gen Con Pick Up Information
Can I pick my book up at Gen Con?
Yes! We are setting up separate pages in our online store for pre-orders that require shipping and those that will be picked up at GenCon. If you want GenCon pick up, make sure you go to the right page.
Can a friend pick mine up?
No. You must present your own ID to pick up your order. If you aren’t going to be at Gen Con, it’s best to simply pre-order for delivery to you. Or have your friend just buy a copy of the book at Gen Con for you, while supplies last.
How do I pick my book up?
Visit Booth #1321 in the Exhibit Hall. Bring your photo ID.
I am not getting to GenCon until Friday/Saturday, what if you run out?
We might run out! This is why we have a way for you to pre-order. Use that link to pre-order and you can pick it up at any time. We won’t give yours away!
What happens if I don’t pick my pre-order book up?
If you haven’t picked up your book by 2 pm on Sunday at GenCon, we will offer it for sale to other attendees of the convention. After the con, you’ll need to contact our customer service department ( and make arrangements. If you want it shipped to you, you’ll need to pay for shipping at that point.
I’m so excited to stop and talk with them about the book and of course pick up my Pre-Order while I am at it 🙂
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