Badass Force Combat/Bluffing Game On Kickstarter


In an alternative near future, Badass Force is the name of the most popular live show of the ultra-net. Like The Ninja Warriors before it and Big Brother before that, contestants go into a battle arena, not as themselves, but as someone else. Before the show became a household name, historical leaders were pitted against one another. All due to the holographic projects suits the contestants ware. Yes, holographic technology is here and over the course of many years, many players have gone head to head, taken on the looks and skill of Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Vlad The Impaler and even Cleopatra.

But after a large fire, all historical documents were lost and data destroyed. And the show runners had to find something else to reference. Now, our culture is now limited to the action movies of the end of 20th century / early 21st century and many of those recordings have deteriorated. And it is these distorted figured that are now used in the arena. As well as “Guns, Attitude and Bluffing.” This week you have finally been selected and it is your turn to fulfill your destiny and prove you are the most Badass in Badass Force!



The game is a combat/deduction/bluffing game, where players will be disguised as a character from an action film from the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s. Loading up weapons and using them to dastardly effect, by eliminating the other character chosen by the other players. Eliminating characters will give you point and diminish the hand of characters that your opponents have. But with all this elimination, there is no player elimination, as you can redraw your hand of cards and continue playing. This time, in Revenge Mode. This makes the characters powers more powerful. And it is these powers that are the heart of the game. As well as being thematic in the game, they also make the game very strategic. Making every decision a difficult but fun one, as telling the truth, bluffing or even calling someones bluff will lead to an action packed time at the table.


The Kickstarter is up and running now, with as of this posting 16 days to go, and is fully funded.



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