Announcing Upcoming Changes To DDO Players News Podcast


If you listened to our year-end podcast you heard we were going to be making some changes to the podcast in the upcoming new year.



We are going to be recording the podcast on Thursday Night at 7:00 PM EST.

If you are subscribed to the podcast feed or the YouTube Channel, you will notice that the podcast will come out on Friday Morning at 10:00 AM EST.


Due to some scheduling things, there might be a few Thursday’s where we record later or might swap nights, but Thursday night will be the new night.

This change was done for a few reasons, we hope that we can hit some of the big DDO related news, it seems most news always came out AFTER we had already recorded the podcast, and also we will be able to talk about the newest DDO Chronicle this way. Our podcast will always be a week behind in the chronicle though as we will record after this out, but at least we can talk about the latest stuff this week!


Thanks for your support over the years, it amazes me as to how this site and podcast have changed from what it first was!




Lead Director DDO Players

Lead Director Players Alliance

Podcast Producer DDO Players News






  1. Good move, Drac. Have a Happy New Year!

  2. Great idea!!!

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