DDO Featured In The Latest Dragon+ Magazine

Dungeons & Dragons Online is featured in the latest edition of WOTC Dragon + Magainze, Executive Producer Rob “Severlin” Ciccolini and Senior Product And Brand Manager Tolero talk about the game, making the classic packs and of course Sharn!
“Sharn is the biggest city in Eberron and one of the things about it is it’s not horizontal, it’s vertical. As we’re laying out the actual pieces of Sharn for the players to adventure in, they can look up and down and may experience content in the highest heights and then the lowest depths,” Executive Producer Rob “Severlin” Ciccolini
With sharn, we learned a bit of new information as well, about what we can expect to see.
“Villains that are characters rather than monsters,” adding with a smile: “Not that there won’t be plenty of stuff like that dwelling in the Cogs for the players to find and maybe get eaten by!” Executive Producer Rob “Severlin” Ciccolini
The biggest news that we learned is
” Sharn will have a lot of raid content but will also have more exploratory content in the Cogs that’s a little different, Not only will you have dungeons in the main storyline, but you’ll also be able to explore the Cogs and have some more surprising encounters.” Executive Producer Rob “Severlin” Ciccolini
“It’s a bit of a departure, Traditionally players are used to interacting with a collection of quest givers who tell them which dungeons they can visit, and that lets them know these dungeons are just sitting there. But having a space where they can roam around and find opportunities for adventures themselves—adventures they may not know the exact location of or when they’ll be available, adds another option for play.” Senior Product And Brand Manager Tolero
You can read the full interview over on the Dragon+ website
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