Breaking News – Hardcore League Permadeath and Alchemist Class Coming


I just got back to my hotel room at Gen Con 2019, after attending the Standing Stone Games DDO/LOTRO meetup.

As in previous years, Standing Stone had a bit of news to unleash on the crowd of about 100 that had gathered at the Punch Bowl Social in Indianapolis.



New VIP ONLY Server – Hardcore League Permadeath

New Class – Alchemist


Here is what we know so far: (Thanks to Druidsfire for live tweeting during the event as I was doing video)

Hardcore League Permadeath Server

  • Certain rewards for the 90 day season to meet certain reward.
  • You can transfer off to other servers, but can’t transfer TO THE SERVER, So say you have you level a character to 15 and die, you will be done on the server, but can transfer that character off to play on a normal server
  • 100-char leaderboard in the hall of heroes on a special statue
  • Favor, Reaper XP, and other goals to meet. There are competitive rewards and also lesser rewards for things like cosmetics to send to your regular server.
  • Vet status and iconic roles are turned off for this server.
  • We will get our first look On Lamannia NEXT WEEK!


  • Reaching a Total Favor of 1750 – Eyes of Darkness cosmetic
  • Reaching a Total Favor of 5000 – Bloody Footprints cosmetic
  • Gaining 10 Reaper Enhancement Points – Special Tattered Cloak
  • Gaining 20 Reaper Enhancement Points – Blood Reaper Pet


New Class Alchemist

Flask throwing.

Bombardier, poisoner, buffing tree (Could not remember the name they came up with) are the trees


Here is the video of the announcement from the meet up – NOTE – this was taken via my cell phone and the bar was loud, so this is not the best, but wanted to get this out asap, so I did not edit this video at all.



I will be conducting an interview tomorrow with Standing Stone to get some for me information, look for a podcast coming soon!







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9 thoughts on “Breaking News – Hardcore League Permadeath and Alchemist Class Coming

  1. Sounds like a great idea for an event! I like this idea more than just another Crystal Cove or Mimic Hunt!
    Thanks for reporting this news, Drac.

  2. I love perma-death for the challenge — even though I have an uber-completionist. Having a specialized server with rewards will appeal to many folks like myself. The only concern is after 3 months is everything wiped? Or can I come back and continue my perma-death toon (if he hasn’t died) from where he left off?

  3. See, I totally understand why they’re trying to build an Alchemist Class. It’s 5th Edition.
    Yet, I would totally prefer Psion, or even a flavored-Psi-like Enhancement Tree.
    I’m aware Psion wouldn’t seem so different from Wizard to be a new class, but I wouldn’t be against a new mechanic for psionic powers.

    If those competitives rewards will be just cosmetics clothes or even nice DDO Store expansive things to buy (+20 Heart of Wood, for example), I have nothing against the permadeath challenge.

    However, if it becames another +1 unfair¹ bonus for those who play Reaper and farm RXP, I can only shrug.

    P.S.: I only calling it unfair because not everyone plays Reaper, so not everyone can afford some of those Reaper Enhancements who actually also works in non-Reaper content.

  4. The progression server’s characters will be transferable to the regular servers after the 90 day event is over. SSG hasn’t indicated yet if the server transfer will be free, but I’m assuming at least one character can be transferred at no charge.

    1. I’m hoping to get it edited and released tonight. I’m still at Gen Con. I am driving home late this afternoon, and will edit when I get home.

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