Jumanji Fluxx Review

Flux is going to the movies! Hear the drums, Don’t get stuck in Jumanji!
Set up:
Place the basic rules card in the center of the table. Shuffle the deck and deal three cards to each player. Place the remainder of the deck face down next to the basic rules card to form the draw pile.
Game rules:
The basic rules of Fluxx are simple, draw 1 then play one. Then the game starts changing from what is played. New rule cards will change up the basic rules. When you play a keeper, it will be placed in front of you.
Goal cards show specific keepers that you need to win but may often change as the game goes on. Action cards are used once and discarded. Actions can sometimes cause major chaos, and other times have no real effect at all.
Game Play
On a player’s turn they will take the following actions:
- Draw the required number of cards. At the beginning of the game, players will draw one card.
- Play the required number of cards. At the beginning of the game, players will play one card.
- Discard cards to get to the required hand limit. The game begins with no hand limit.
- Discard keepers to get to the required keeper limit. The game begins with no keeper limit.
Throughout the game, players will play new rule cards which could change the rules that players have to follow.
What Jumanji Fluxx Brings To The Table
Like all Fluxx games, there’s a set of standard Rule and Action cards, but the Keepers and Goals are all theme-specific. Jumanji has keepers like Bravestone and Ruby Roundhouse and Lions and Tigers and The Game.
The big twist to the game is the Danger cards. Each of these cards, when played, eliminates a player. But hold up there buster! You’re not totally out! Eliminated players discard their entire hand and all of their Keepers, but once everyone else has had a turn, they can jump back in by drawing a new hand of three cards and then starting their turn.
Final Thoughts
Fans of Fluxx will feel right at home here, the rules are pretty much the same, and that’s the draw of Fluxx, it’s ever-changing rules always make for a different game experience. It’s a great game for any game night, Most game sessions last around 15 to 10 minutes. The cards are really great quality and the artwork draws you in.
Jumanji Fluxx is very thematic and handles this well, so fans of the movie will love this, I love both movies, I was drawn into this version of Fluxx big time, just about as I was the Doctor Who version!
Jumanji Fluxx can be purchased directly from Looney Labs or via Amazon
Looney Labs provided our copy of Marvel Fluxx for this review, this is no way had any outcome on the review and my opinions of the game.
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