Fluxx is all grown up, and is not of legal drinking age (In the US at least) To coincide on July 24th, Looney Labs will be releasing Drinking Fluxx Drinking Fluxx is a new theme all about drinking games. Obviously, this one is only marketed towards adults only. If you’ve […]
Everything Epic Announces Pre Orders For Big Trouble In Little China Board Game
We are thrilled to announce that the pre-order online store is now live! Be one of the first to pre-order and be guaranteed to get one of the Deluxe Limited Edition copies of the game for the same price as the regular retail edition! These are in limited quantity and made especially for the big […]
2017 Diana Jones Award Shortlist
The Diana Jones Award, is one of the 3 “big” gaming awards along with the Origins Award and Spiel des Jahres. Six nominees for the 2017 Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming have been announced — two board games, a card game, a role-playing game, a LARP, and a convention. The […]
Modiphius Announce Star Trek RPG Pre Orders
Modiphius Entertainment, publisher of the Achtung! Cthulhu, Mutant Chronicles, Conan, Infinity and John Carter of Mars role playing games, is thrilled to announce today the highly anticipated Star Trek Adventures Role playing Game, the first official Star Trek RPG in more than a decade, is now available on Modiphius.com for pre-order.
DC Comics Dice Masters: Harley Quinn Starter Set
Harley Quinn, you either love her or you hate her. Her popularity has just skyrocketed in the past few years. Last year alone at Gen Con, I can’t tell you how many Cosplay I saw of Miss Quinn. This will continue this year as well I’m sure, and the new dice masters set, will […]