The winner for the Spiel des Jahres, game of the year, is the tile laying game, Kingdomino by Bruno Cathala. The game is available now at your FLGS or Amazon so you can add this to your gaming library today. and last but not least, is the the winner of the Kennerspiel des […]
Dracula’s America: Shadows of the West
President Dracula, that has a nice ring to it, I’d vote for him. Well you know Vampires and all that 🙂 It is 1875, and Count Dracula is President of the United States of America. In the wake of the Civil War, with the country struggling to regain its balance, Dracula seized […]
A Game of Thrones Catan: Brotherhood of the Watch
Brace yourself, winter is coming! Fantasy Flight Games announces a new game set in the bountiful world of Westeros; A Game of Thrones Catan: Brotherhood of the Watch. This will be a standalone game of resource gathering and trading that is familiar to those that know the classic game Catan, but will offer many differences inspired [&h
Top Secret: New World Order Kickstarter
TSR (Does that bring back some memories) is kickstarting Top Secret: New World Order RPG. Top Secret: New World Order is an all-new role playing game created by Merle M. Rasmussen, the creator of 1980’s Top Secret – which has the distinction of being the first published role playing game about […]
IDW Games Announce Planet Of The Apes Board Game
Ahead of the original film’s 50th anniversary, IDW Games and Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products announce plans to bring the Planet of the Apes franchise to tabletops as a series of immersive board games. Starting with the classic film, Planet of the Apes follows the plot of the original movie and promises players a […]