DDO Players News Episode 3: Death By Beholder

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DDO Players News
DDO Players News Episode 2: Kobold Still Hates You
News Beyond DDO
Monster Manual 5E is out!
Week in DDO
Drac’s Week
Ranger/Rogue Lvl 7
The Necropolis Litany of the Dead Part 1
- Tomb of the Immortal Heart
- Tomb of the Burning Heart
Rogue Lvl 9
Searing Heights – Slayer 750/750
Quest – The Lair Of Summoning *House K*
Quest – Tharashk Arena *House K*
Druid/Rogue Lvl 6
Waterworks Slayer 400/400
Pineleaf’s Week
Artificer Lvl 7
The Necropolis Litany of the Dead Part 1
- Tomb of the Immortal Heart
- Tomb of the Burning Heart
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iTunes Reviews
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Featured Comments
Lessah Commented On DDO Players News Episode 1: Roll for Initiative
New DDO Podcast! Ya! I’m so glad you are doing this! It means good things for the culture climate of the game. You guys have great chemistry! Looking forward to more! I don’t totally agree about the hirelings. If they see a perceived threat to you they will take off after it. Not cool when you are trying to draw as little aggro as possible, but there were good hireling changed too! Great show! Keep it up!
Princessteradia Commented On Arcane Adventures with Dorfben Fizzlebeard: Chapter 2
It took me two tries to get through that bit of Korthos Island, but one of the things I learned was that fish people don’t like fire. Go figure, right? Ya for hats! Or clothes of any kind… considering the whole waking up in rags thing. 🙂 Two thumbs up for this series!
Hola DDO Players. Excellent start. You are well on your way to matching DDOCASTS’ 380 some odd episodes! I actually listened in to part of their Podcast last week and it was nearly gibberish for a new player, so am thinking DDO Players will be more my speed for awhile!
That being said, I have had a few stops and starts with DDO in the past. I have a nearly Lvl-4 cleric in the Harbor that I occasionally do a quest or two with, but I have been a little directionless which I think is what is keeping me from getting hooked. Where is the Epic Story to guide my path!
So a few questions if you don’t mind, (and if some of these are better addressed as ‘segments’ sometime in the future, that is fine).
- One such segment might be called “What Crap Should I Keep?”.. My bags are filled with stuff I don’t really know what to do with. Any pointers on what I should be vendoring, stashing away, trading in at the marketplace or actively collecting as a fairly new player? Are there categories that you might use to organize and decide what to keep? I am afraid to throw anything away and have a feeling much of it is junk.
- Am I still In the right area? What level do you generally stick around the Harbor until? How do you know when you are ready to move on and what is the next area players normally progress to (or are there options?) and at what level?
- What should I be focusing on at this stage to most efficiently develop my character? Right now, I am just running any solo dungeon I can find and letting the chips fall where they may. Is there enough content in the Harbor to level to the next area or am I going to have repeat a lot of them (kind of like dailies?) if so, which do you recommend?
Looking forward to your profound wisdom. Crit those Dice!
– Braag Son of Balin
Hello DDO Players,
I am a new player to DDO and I have a few questions. First, is there any plan on having a DDO Players Guild? I learned from my LOTRO experience and made my toon on the last server on the list (Cannith). How do you make a mutli-class character? Do you need to be premium or VIP? I tried unsuccessfully from the player creation screen. Thanks for your help.
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Thanks for listening!
First, Pinleaf misses the 4th letter in Dorfben’s name and now he calls him “dolphin”? Let’s fix this before someone gets their shoes replaced with Boots of Perpetual Grease. Say it with me now:
D o r f b e n. Dor – fffff – ben. Take “dwarf been” and slur it a bit to get “Dorfben”.
And we should totally have a guild. We’ll call it Worshipers of Dorfben and you all can be WoDlers. It’ll be great. No need to thank me. Ideas such as this are why I am here.
Hey guys! Thanks for the great podcast. You guys got me hooked on DDO. I’ve listened to all three and all have been helpful. The last being the most helpful. I am a new player and the questions that were posed and the answers given helped me get some of this new game down.
One question that I do still have is TP earned, like in LotRo, or is it strictly purchased?
Another question I have been trying to figure is what server are you guys playing on? I would love to do some questing with you guys!
Your friend
Baruk Khazad!
1. Server is Cannith.
2. You can earn TP in game. I still don’t know what the words they use actually mean (sounds like a rep grind?), but Drac lays out how you earn TP in the comments section of the first podcast post. I’ll be nice and link it below.
3. Baruk Khazad? New favorite commenter.