*Give Away Is OVER* DDO Players 500 Point Turbine Points Give Away!

And The Winner Is………….. Makax

We recently had Community Manger cordovan on the podcast


He was kind enough to give us some Turbine Points to give away to your the loyal podcast listeners, and website readers!

How do you win? it’s simple!

To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below.  Duplicate comments from the same user will be only counted once.  Each comment will be assigned a number in order.  The winner will be selected with a random number generator.  The winner will be contacted through the email attached to the comment.

Please make sure you have a valid email that you check regularly attached to the account you are commenting with.  We will send an email to the winner.  The winner will have a week to respond.  Once they respond we will send them the code and the contest will end.  If the winner does not respond within a week, we will choose and contact a new winner who will also have a week to respond.  This will continue to repeat until we find a winner.

Entries will close on April 8th.

All DDO Players (This Website)  past or current staff and immediate family are not be eligible for this contest.


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48 thoughts on “*Give Away Is OVER* DDO Players 500 Point Turbine Points Give Away!

  1. Gotta admit it’s a nice contest (or a cool April’s fools xD)! Anyway, nice podcast. Time to check some of the news available here!

  2. Turbine points are a wondrous thing, they buy for you lots of bling, and what I love about this most, is the chance to win with a simple post!

  3. If you want to get fired up about the Indiana law, check the federal law with nearly identical language. Pumped about elemental evil and the prospect of easier 5k favor!

  4. Great show, I really love how you guys are so cheerful and new to the game.
    BTW since yo have done the lower level dungeons like korthos and harbor, have you found yourself zerging like a pro? Also, I really remember when I was in a group of vets and they moved through a quest like a wolf pack, it was exhilarating. Patrick of DDO cast has several min max players and it would be fun to see if you could group with them see how you feel when paired up with serious vets. Just an idea. Keep up the good work.

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